Personal Injury Lawyers for Car Accidents

Written by our personal injury lawyers in Virginia Beach

The personal injury lawyers at Klein, Rowell & Shall know that the effects of a car accident can be frightening. We also know that putting your life back together after a crash can be frustrating.

One of the biggest mistakes victims in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Portsmouth make is failing to seek timely medical care. Even if you do not feel any symptoms after an accident, you should be examined by a medical professional immediately. Adrenaline or shock may mask the symptomology of an injury, and it is very important to determine as soon as possible whether you have been hurt.

Furthermore, you should monitor your health closely in the days after the accident because minor collisions can produce injuries that are disproportionate to the event. Symptoms may not arise for a week or two depending on the injury.

As a victim or family member in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, or Portsmouth you may be overwhelmed by trying to deal with emotional, physical and financial injuries. Our personal injury lawyers in Virginia Beach want you to focus on recovery, while we make sure that the justice system returns you to some semblance of the life you led prior to an injury. As part of walking that “road back to health,” you must take your medical treatment seriously and that begins immediately after the accident.

While winning your case cannot change the past, it can help lessen anxiety about medical bills, employment, rehabilitation, and your future. When you hire a personal injury lawyer to handle your case, you are then free to focus on your own recovery and health. This will allow you to concentrate on getting better and back to normal.

While you are recuperating, our personal injury lawyers in Virginia Beach will gather, prepare, analyze, and present the evidence that is critical to winning your case. Your recovery can include medical expenses, lost income, property damage, and pain and suffering. If the accident was caused by someone else’s reckless behavior, punitive damages may also be awarded. Our lawyers can determine the best way for your case to proceed while you are getting better.

For a free consultation with one of our personal injury lawyers, please call us at (757) 432-2500 or use our online form below.

Personal injury lawyers in Virginia Beach serving Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and all of Hampton Roads.

Klein, Rowell & Shall, PLLC is a litigation-focused law firm in Virginia Beach serving Hampton Roads


Experienced Legal Services to Achieve Your Goals

We understand the significant personal and often financial impact important legal decisions can have on you or your business. At Klein, Rowell & Shall, PLLC, we will give you an honest assessment and explore innovative strategies to protect your rights and achieve your goals.

When you work with us, you can have confidence that we will remain attentive and responsive to all of your needs.

Whether you need advice on a work injury, auto accident, important business contract, or representation in an employment dispute, please call us today at (757) 432-2500 to put a skilled lawyer on your side. You may also send us an inquiry using our online form.

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