What if your permanent impairment rating is disputed?

Written by our workers’ compensation lawyers serving Norfolk

After you reach maximum medical improvement (MMI) you may be entitled to permanent partial disability benefits for your work injury. In order to receive these benefits, you must get a permanent impairment rating from your doctor.

Getting this rating is not always clear cut, and the employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company can find ways to challenge it. KRS Law workers’ compensation lawyer Adam Shall recommends that injured workers seeking a permanent impairment rating should consult a worker’s compensation lawyer who can help develop the claim to seek the most money possible for the permanent disability.

The employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company can request an independent medical evaluation (IME), at which time the injured worker must submit to a second examination by a different doctor of their choosing. An experienced workers’ compensation lawyer can advise you on this issue.

For nearly 15 years, our KRS Law workers’ compensation lawyers serving Norfolk have helped injured workers navigate the demands of employers and insurance companies throughout Hampton Roads.

If you are searching for experienced workers’ compensation lawyers with proven results, please call us at (757) 432-2500 or send us an inquiry using our online form below.

KRS Law has workers’ compensation lawyers serving Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, and all of Hampton Roads.

Klein, Rowell & Shall, PLLC is a litigation-focused law firm in Virginia Beach serving Hampton Roads


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Whether you need advice on a work injury, auto accident, important business contract, or representation in an employment dispute, please call us today at (757) 432-2500 to put a skilled lawyer on your side. You may also send us an inquiry using our online form.

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